Kornati are around 50 kilometers away from Apartments Laura. This is one of the reasons why it´s a good choice to spend your summer here.
Kornati are the most dense group of islands in the entire Medditeranean sea. They are situated between the islands Zirje, Dugi Otok and Pasman in central Dalmatia.
Among 152 isles, 89 of them were declared a national park in 1980 and put under the protection of UNESCO due to the outstanding environmental beauties and the richness of flora and fauna
Today, Kornati are not consistently inhabited, however small fishing huts are still scattered throughout the vales of the isles. They are reshaped into restaurants or accommodation objects and their purpose is “Robinsonian” tourism, and therefore they are the most sought after locations of scuba divers and tourists.
Nature park Telascica is located on Dugi Otok, and is natural extension of the National park Kornati. It consists of 25 vales, 5 islands, an extremely indented coastline and a beautiful entrance to the bay which is surrounded by 14 bigger and smaller isles.
In the southwestern part of the park a rare natural phenomenon can be found; the salt lake Mir which is among few lakes of its kind in Europe. It is situated in a narrow chunk of land between the Bay of Telascica and the open sea. The way to the lake is a pedestrian path by the sea, where dolphins can often be found. It is 6 meters deep and 30% saltier than the sea itself.
The area of the park abounds with natural and cultural phenomena and therefore attracts tourists from the entirety of the world.
You can learn more about Kornati here: www.np-kornati.hr